This visit was much different, I was able to look at the crumbling buildings and open land and see possibilities for redevelopment, and even ideas on how that redevelopment could start to occur. This will be shown in a diagram to be created by Friday.
One important thing that may be a barrier for the current residents of the neighborhoods have seen revitalization efforts come and go, they have experienced large social programs attempt to “solve” their problems and they have seen designers try to combat social problems with solutions like Pruitt- Igoe, which was located in the site area.

One could not really blame the residents for being skeptical of large scale development. I think the challenge in this neighborhood is to build upon the small successes they have already had, try to just have that one shining example of what the neighborhood could become and try to create a snowball effect in an effort to affect change.
Below is my January thesis schedule:
• Make further contact with a not for profit development organization called Urban Strategies, as well as other city planners.
• Make a preliminary inventory/analysis map, identify graphically what I already know as far as opportunities for development success.
• Write down EVERYTHING that I am thinking on the project after my two visits, organize.
• Read the entire development proposal from Paul McKee, a large scale developer in the area. Pay close attention into the way his proposal is phased, analyze.
• Look into attempts to revitalize in other parts of the city. (soulard, laffayette)
• Make contact with a City Alderman, or other high level civic leader in an attempt to make the city aware of my project.
• Articulate vison(s) for area based on analysis of local revitalizatiton efforts, the success and failure of McKee’s proposal, and current analysis of site. Run several models, with written analyzation of all.
• Try to make contact with McKee or his people AGAIN. In the past these people have been very difficult to get a hold of due to public sentiment on their proposal.
I would appreciate any comments that you might have on the schedule put forth or any ideas on affecting urban change in neighborhoods like the Northside.
Looks good Josh, the specific deliverables are a really strong start. As the timeline evolves try to reverse engineer what you will need at the end and plot those drawings/renderings/maps/writings into the timeline, it will give you an idea of the level of production needed.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the idea of combating the disillusionment with incremental change is really good and should form the 'thesis' of the thesis in my opinion. If you can find some case studies on projects or processes that did this that would be very beneficial.